Martinshöfe Weingarten

Invited urban planning competition 2018 Location: Weingarten Client: i+R Wohnbau Lindau Visualization: xoio

The Green Centre
The Green Centre is the central open space and optimally connected to the surrounding area. Meeting points for residents, space for recreation and play areas are laid out here. The canteen with an event space and the neighbourhood’s community room also face this attractive and spacious outdoor area.

The Town Square
Directly on the boulevard and near the Green Centre, the urban structure opens up towards the basilica. The basilica is integrated into the new urban district through visual connections. The Town Square is spatially defined on the ground floor with an arcade zone. This is where people make purchases, go shopping, drink coffee, etc. A university occupies the ground floor zone. The intensive mix of uses contributes to a lively neighbourhood. According to zoning regulations, the district is classified as an urban area in accordance with the Federal Land Utilisation Ordinance (BauNVO).

Die roofs of the new quarter are within the sightline of the basilica. To create an attractive roofscape (the “fifth façade”), the roofs are being utilised to their full potential: Within the dense urban fabric, the rooftops offer a great opportunity to create high-quality private spaces. Roof gardens, rental gardens with raised beds and community gardens with a view of the basilica will make living at this location something special.

The Boulevard
The boulevard with the Green Centre is the central circulation axis of the new quarter. It connects the two entrance squares of the quarter, which are marked by architectural focal points accommodating special uses such as gastronomy, retail and commerce. The entire boulevard is designed to be car-free, making it a highly enjoyable urban space with an excellent quality of stay.

Car-free Quarter
The quarter is designed to be mostly car-free. Stationary traffic is directed to the underground car parks on the periphery via the fastest route.

Variety of building typologies
Small-scale parcelling is the basis for a colourful mix of housing concepts and a variety of innovations. Monotonous large structures are to be avoided. There will be no accumulation of identical buildings, but many different building types.