Extension of the Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen

Competition 2018 Execution: 2022 - 2024 Location: Unteruhldingen Client: Verein Pfahlbau und Heimatkunde e.V. Unteruhldingen Photography: Werner Huthmacher

The association Pfahlbau und Heimatkunde e.V. Unteruhldingen continues to develop the Pfahlbaumuseum (Lake Dwelling Museum) located on Lake Constance. In order to expand the offerings for visitors and enable innovative concepts, the existing facilities will be extended in two construction phases.

“Two dugout canoes are pulled ashore and turned over to protect the equipment they carry from the weather” – this metaphor is transferred to the museum’s expansion: Two longhouses with pitched roofs symbolise the turned-over dugouts and “protect” the exhibits. In the first construction phase, the existing building will be rounded off on the east side in solid construction, before being docked with the new museum building in timber construction. The new entrance area and museum courtyard are placed in the joint towards the structure that is part of the second construction phase. The timber construction of the new additions allows for a high degree of prefabrication, resulting in shorter construction times. Due to the all-round cladding with squared oak, they naturally blend in with the pile dwellings.